Friday, August 22, 2008

Anton van Leeuwenhock

It's my last day today.
I'm not going to school ever again. I quit!

LOL kidding

i'm just migrating :) and.. transfering to another school :D

So... yeah.. i ate your internal organs and you didn't even notice :)
ha-ha -_-

I'm leaving tomorrow to the province which is a 10 hour drive from here D: fark what?
okay.. so I will be gone for 3 days. please don't miss me too much. lol kidding.

okay. i'm ugly and you're not. yay!

God I'm so effin bored.
eff eff eff

holy shpirit ^_^

Anton van Leeuwenhock:
he's a DRAPIST :))

lol..okay :))

sooo........ Dismissal time:
the people were all like hugging me and stuff :)
and 3 of them were likee saying Christelle Christelle Christelle over and over again! it was annoying but funny, and I do not know why haha :)) after that i came home and opened my gifts which were given by Twis and Kendra! thank you !! i liked it so much! ^________^ *hugs* love you guys now I'm effin bored and. yeah.

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